Sarah Earley says…

My son saw Shayna for speech therapy when he was between 2 and 3 years old. He was mostly non-verbal when he first started, but within months of seeing Shayna was saying 2-3 words in combination. When we went in for the initial evaluation, my son challenged Shayna because he didn't want to do what she was asking, but she was completely confident that she could handle him. And she did! By the third visit he was bounding in to see her. His behavior throughout therapy in general could be inconsistent but he ALWAYS loved going to see Shayna and even remembers her now, at 6 years old. If we lived anywhere near Boulder, we would still be taking him to see her. I largely credit Shayna for my son being verbal, for getting him over whatever developmental barrier was keeping him from using words for effective communication.


Eileen Dolbeare says…


Mama of L says…